Monday, 30 March 2020

Stop stealing art

Pirating and stealing an artist’s work rather than paying for it undermines the entire creative process and the artist's right to make a living from their art. Your right to see/read/hear/own a copy of their work does NOT precede the artist's right to make a living. You have a right to see/read/hear/own it when you pay for it! To steal their work for your own convenience is selfish not to mention criminal. You wouldn’t walk into a store & steal off the shelves so what do you think gives you the right to steal an artist’s work online. 

Those of you who choose to pirate and steal an artist’s work clearly have no compassion or gratitude for all the hard work, talent and heart that goes into bringing us their work.

If you wish artists to keep creating the books, music, etc that you enjoy you have to pay for them. If you wish your favourite artists to keep producing work stop stealing from them. Have some respect; not only for the creative process but the hard working, talented people behind the art, because without their vision there is no art.