make this the year terrible things do not happen before people understand they
are important. The year when people care because it is the right thing to do:
not a fad or for personal gain. The year when we come together as humans to
embrace not only our oneness but the differences that make us unique and
special. If you only care when there is a headline or a celebrity endorsement
you are part of the problem. Instead make every day a day for equality,
acceptance & caring. Make a difference! Make your actions count, because
words can only go so far. Make this the year that we stand up to governments,
bigots and extremists. It’s time to say enough is enough, because if we don't
nobody else will. Our rights to choose and be safe are fundamental;
it’s time to stop putting personal beliefs and outdated documents ahead of
society. Stand up, be a voice of change. Stop being passive and reactive and start being proactive in making this world a
better place for all. Raise the next generation to take care of this planet and
all that live here. Complacency is no longer an option! Compassion, understanding,
acceptance, selflessness and respect are key to a brighter future. Be part of
the change; don’t sit back and watch life happen only to complain about it
Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Everyday Feminism
Just because the surface
is clear doesn't mean the underlying current is. Yes it is great for
people to speak up for women’s rights and debunk the stigma surrounding the
terms feminism and feminist. But to only take part in or notice of the fight when a
celebrity has given a speech and go back to doing nothing when the hype dies
down is an affront to women everywhere.
It is insulting to act as
though women's rights only matter when endorsed by a celebrity. The fact that
some people are only willing to get behind a cause because it's attached to a
celebrity and for as long as it is prominent in the media is sad. Women's right
to equality is worth more than a celebrity endorsement; our lives are not
marketable commodities. Our rights to equality and to be taken seriously are
not on par with shampoo, cat food and coffee.
Do you have any idea how
heartbreaking it is to tell people how they are hurting you, themselves or
others and be dismissed only to see those same people take notice when someone
they don't even know personally tells them the exact same thing. How depressing
it is that your opinion is seemingly worth less to those who care about you
than that of a stranger.
If people need celebrity
endorsement to understand or share the importance of human rights then this
planet is seriously more screwed up than most realise. People should know that
equality and in this case specifically feminism are important because they are
female or know females. It should not only be important for as long as the hype
of a celebrity's speech is in the media. It should not only be important simply
because of fame period. It is more than acceptable to speak out without the
need of someone holding your hand. If you are only sharing because 'OMG it's XXX'
you are missing the point of this important issue. This is an issue that needs
to be addressed and noticed every single day because we live in the 21st
century and it's long overdue that women are treated equal to men. The general
public may not have fame but by ignoring the message because it doesn't come
from someone famous is insulting to everyone trying to make this world a better
place. Our voices are just as important. Our struggles just as significant.
This needs to be important every day because if only celebrity's comments are
treated as important than it diminishes the overall importance of the cause.
Take a stand not because a celebrity told you to but because it is the right
thing to do. Be part of the solution every day, not just when it’s made trendy
to do so.
And if you think it is
easy being a feminist out of the limelight think again. I may not have
experienced anything as serious as death or rape threats but I deal with
harassment and rudeness on a regular basis for voicing my beliefs and standing up for my rights.
· I have been accused of soap boxing
· I have been told I take things too seriously and
read too much into everything
· I have been told I'm a man hater
· It's been assumed I must be gay
· I have been told too many times: ‘that’s just how it
is’, ‘it was just a joke’, ‘you’re only one person’, ‘why don’t you just stop’
Human rights are
something I have been passionate about since I was three. Respect, equality
& self-worth are infinitely important to me. And yet people still attack me
over my beliefs and praise celebrities for saying the exact same thing. How
does that even make sense! To mock, hate or ignore feminism is to perpetuate
the problem. The fact that equality and feminism still offends people or is
something to be complacent about is an insult to females everywhere.
Quit being a sheep, open
your eyes, dig deeper, see beyond the surface and fight for equality because it
is the humane thing to do. Take equality seriously, it's not a fad or something
to forget about when the media buzz wears off. Women you are worth it. Men you
have women in your lives. Stand up for them, stand with them and speak
Thursday, 14 August 2014
Depression and suicide
We live in a world where
negativity is rife and the apparent need for competition in some is like the
need for air. But life is not a competition it’s about finding *your*
happiness, not trying to duplicate someone else’s. There is so much negativity
and neediness online these days that it’s often hard to tell whether someone is
genuinely suffering or simply seeking attention. How often must someone repeat
the same positive messages to you before you believe them? Why would a person
choose to talk to you regularly or in some cases every day if they didn’t like you?
Why is it so hard to accept a compliment and believe the good in yourself
instead of constantly believing the bullies of the world and hating yourself instead?
Depression is a silent illness
fought by so many and yet when something like suicide rears its head do people
ban together to help combat this often silent killer… No, they take it as an
opportunity to once again assert the need for competition and fight over the
morality of suicide, a competition nobody is ever going to win because the very
concept of taking one’s life is such a personal one. So instead of making this
about morals or personal beliefs, which nobody is ever going to agree on, why
don’t people take this as yet another opportunity to spread awareness of mental
illness? Tweet the number to the suicide hotline in your country along with any
organisations that help those with depression. Offer to listen to those who want
to talk. Let people know they are not alone. Make trending count for something
and hashtag suicide or depression in these tweets.
Instead of choosing to divide
society take this as an opportunity to work together and collectively get
behind a cause that many share. Help reduce the stigmatism that still surrounds
mental illness and just maybe more people will admit they have a problem, seek
help and not wind up committing suicide. Don’t waste another opportunity to
make this a priority by bickering and attacking each other’s opinions.
Help in Australia:
Lifeline (24 hour support line):
13 11 14
Beyond Blue – depression and
anxiety support http://www.beyondblue.org.au/
Tuesday, 5 August 2014
Greedy Hollywood Needy Hollywood
In light of the cast of The Big Bang Theory demanding more money I feel
this is an important issue to voice given they aren't the first and they won’t
be the last.
This kind of mentality in Hollywood is appalling. Nobody needs the amount of money those in Hollywood receive in a lifetime let along a year or per movie, especially when there are so many people struggling or going without. The Big Bang cast is currently reportedly on $350,000 an episode, which based on say 22 episodes a season is $7,700,000 a year; how is that not more than enough!
"According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the median wage for workers in the United States in December 2013 was $786 per week or $48,872 a year for a 40 hour work week."
So compared to their fellow US employees they are already earning over $300,000 more an episode than the average American does in a year. Do they not understand that people are struggling, that the minimum wage in the US is garbage? And sure they work long hours but so do doctors, nurses, cops, etc. Is there no compassion for the average person; the very roles that actors often take on to earn the exuberant amounts that they do? Shouldn't acting be about a love of the art, about expressing and sharing that love with the world, not egos and greed...
Consider if instead of increasing cast wages part of that money was redirected to the writers and crew (without them there wouldn't be a show), part was put back into the show and the balance was given to charity. Just imagine how much the world would change for the better if shows started donating to charities. They could even do so based on the show's theme:
This kind of mentality in Hollywood is appalling. Nobody needs the amount of money those in Hollywood receive in a lifetime let along a year or per movie, especially when there are so many people struggling or going without. The Big Bang cast is currently reportedly on $350,000 an episode, which based on say 22 episodes a season is $7,700,000 a year; how is that not more than enough!
"According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, the median wage for workers in the United States in December 2013 was $786 per week or $48,872 a year for a 40 hour work week."
So compared to their fellow US employees they are already earning over $300,000 more an episode than the average American does in a year. Do they not understand that people are struggling, that the minimum wage in the US is garbage? And sure they work long hours but so do doctors, nurses, cops, etc. Is there no compassion for the average person; the very roles that actors often take on to earn the exuberant amounts that they do? Shouldn't acting be about a love of the art, about expressing and sharing that love with the world, not egos and greed...
Consider if instead of increasing cast wages part of that money was redirected to the writers and crew (without them there wouldn't be a show), part was put back into the show and the balance was given to charity. Just imagine how much the world would change for the better if shows started donating to charities. They could even do so based on the show's theme:
- · Medical shows to medical research;
- · Cop shows to law enforcement;
- · Law shows to help people who can’t afford representation;
- · Science based shows to the advancement of science;
- · School shows to education and;
- · Family shows to helping those in need.
And yes, we as viewers help compound this issue by watching the shows and
buying the merchandise, but that doesn't make it right. I for one feel the
behind the scenes is as important to a show/movie as the finished product I am
watching. This mentality gives me a bitter taste about shows I have otherwise
enjoyed, because the integrity and compassion of those involved is as important
to me as the story being told. It is why more than ever I am drawn to the world
of indie where story is more important than money and ego.
Sunday, 15 June 2014
Dear parents
I may not be a parent but I am someone's child
and I don't understand why parents think they or their kids are failing when
they don't live up to certain expectations. You know what they are doing; being
themselves! And they certainly don't have to live up to outsiders'
expectations; every child learns and develops at their own rate. They are
not necessarily going to like the same food as you or even a big range of food,
especially early on. Taste and texture can be huge obstacles to overcome; try
asking your child what they don't like about something. They are not necessary
going to like anything just because you do. Their behaviour isn't naughty
simply because it doesn't meet expectations of how someone should behave. Maybe
they have a neurological condition that means they see the world differently, (Asperger’s
Syndrome, Autism, ADHD) which a doctor could help identify. But regardless of
anything else that may be going on they are simply being their unique,
individual selves; something that should be encouraged. There is a difference
between following the rules and a developing personality, please don't mistake
the two to the detriment of your child's ability to be themselves. You need to
teach them to think, not what to think. Just because they aren't a clone of you
doesn't automatically make them fussy, naughty, stubborn or any of the other negative labels
people place on children. What we have come to call stubborn is really someone
wanting to do things the way they feel comfortable doing them. That is not
automatically wrong, it's just different. You may not always understand their
way of thinking or doing things, but they are not always going to understand
yours either, it’s about compromise and seeing things from everyone’s point of
view. Learn to read your child and understand their needs, encourage their way
of learning, doing, being instead of thinking you or they are a failure,
because as parents you are the people who will instil them with confidence,
self-love and the ability to be a functioning individual who can think for
themselves. Don't take that away from them by expecting them to be what you
want to see or think they should be. If they can't trust you to accept them for
who they are, who can they trust? It may not be easy, but it's not meant to be.
If it were meant to be easy we wouldn't be raising individuals but clones. You
have created a brand new person and you have to learn who they are right along
with them. All you can do is give them boundaries, teach them actions have
consequences and love, provide and be there for them; everything else is all
them, you can't change who they are and why would you want to…
Saturday, 26 April 2014
Open letter to governments
To those in power,
Governments exist and
representatives are elected to protect the people and better the nation. At
least in theory... What we see more often however is the very people who are
supposed to protect our interests, see the bigger picture and implement a
better future using their power to cultivate their own goals, based on their
own beliefs. Religion and its personal belief systems are kowtowed to at the
detriment of human rights. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. The
future is ignored in preference for what you can gain for yourselves in the
present. This kind of attitude is not sustainable nor will it pave the way for
a better tomorrow.
Religion has no place in
politics; it is a personal belief system that is interpreted differently by
each person who follows their chosen religion. They are called human rights,
not human privileges and it is high time the government stopped pandering to
religious fanatics who believe that rights are based on demographics and what
makes them comfortable. If you don’t approve of the gay community then don’t
marry someone of the same sex. If you are pro-life rather than pro-choice don’t
have an abortion or sign a living will. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes
and ask yourself how you would feel being told who you could love and what you
could and couldn't do with your own body. It is not your choice; it is each
individual’s personal choice. It is time for governments to stand up and say
that starting now human rights are born rights.
Distribution of wealth is shoving
an even greater wedge between the rich and poor, haves and have nots, well off
and struggling. As a society, especially one that wishes to have a sustainable future,
we need to take care of our own. Not everyone can be rich, it is impossible and
unsustainable. The rich and those in power need to understand that this world
and one’s right to live in it are not exclusive to them. Public schools, public
health, government pensions, etc are part and parcel of maintaining a healthy
economy and society. We cannot live in a world where only the rich are entitled
to further education and medical care because to ignore the majority of the
population in favour of the elite is ignorant and shameful. Instead of deciding
which people have the right to each facility and instead of telling society
that cuts will have to be made to sustain the country how about the politicians
take a massive pay cut, because you cannot justify to anyone but yourselves
that you are worth the salary you receive on top of all the free perks and
exuberant retirement funds.
Being in politics is not and
should not be about you. It is and should be about the people that you are
sworn to protect, the economy you are sworn to manage and the future you are
sworn to uphold. If you cannot leave your personal beliefs at the door than you
have no right to be in politics; because it is not about protecting, benefiting
and funding only those who can afford it and that agree with you.
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
We are one but we are many
If you’re content with the world and your place in it that’s fine, and I’m
not being condescending, the world is made up of countless different people. But just as you don’t wish
to rock the boat you have to equally accept that there are people who are going
to stand up for the injustices in this world.
I am one such person and I have been since I was
three and my parents were my only audience. I will not live my life fulfilling other’s
expectations or conform to the social norm to be liked. I will not sit by and
watch my friends continue on their missions of self-hate because society has
made them believe they are not good enough. I will not sit in silence while
some people have rights because they were “lucky” enough to be born into a
certain demographic. You know who you are lucky to be: YOU.
I believe that everyone should be born with the same
rights, and that nobody has a right to impose their own personal beliefs on
others. Our life choices are our own; they should not be legalised by religious
groups or influenced by bullies. Question why someone wants to prevent you from
having rights (because it makes them uncomfortable), why they are putting you
down (to make themselves feel better) or trying to sell you a given product (to
make money) rather than blindly believing and/or accepting something on face
value and then stubbornly refusing to see why you suddenly hate yourself or
want something. Be self-aware.
I will not tell somebody what they should watch,
read or listen to, etc nor will I threaten to not be your friend or claim there
is something wrong with you if you don’t. If I make a general recommendation
you can take it or leave it. If I make a specific recommendation to you it is
based on your interests; you don’t have to like it or even follow it up. I don’t
care if you like/enjoy the same things as me and know I’m not always going to
like/enjoy the same things as you. Doesn’t mean we can’t be friends
I will not tell somebody not to do something just
because I don’t, that is my personal life choice and mine alone. If you don’t like
something don’t do it, it really is that simple, but don’t think you have the
right to tell someone else that they can’t do it because it is against your
beliefs or makes you uncomfortable: “Tolerance does not mean tolerating intolerance”.
You are entitled to whatever opinion you want. What
you are not entitled to do is impose it on someone else. You live your life and
let others live theirs. And to those who say ‘but I’m entitled to my opinion’
realise that you are basically telling everyone who disagrees with you that
they are not entitled to theirs, sometimes legally, because it upsets you.
It is not a soap box or a moral high ground to do
the right thing and want everyone to have the same rights and to believe in
themselves. Would you so quickly try to knock down the Nelson Mandelas, Martin
Luther Kings and Ghandis of the world? Do you verbally attack women’s and gay
right activists?
I am simply being a voice so many are too scared to
be. Without people who speak up then only straight, white, Christian men would
still have rights. So the next time you want to put me down for standing up to
the bullies of the world consider whose side you're really taking by doing so. If
you’re offended by my drive for people to believe in themselves and equality
rather than self-hate and discrimination that says way more about you than it
does me. And trust me when I say if you don’t like what I do say you’d hate
what I don’t say. However, I truly believe that you are just as entitled to
your life choices and personal happiness
as I am so why would I judge your decision to do/ not do something any more
than it is up to you to judge mine. Our differences are what make us unique.
Change doesn't happen through silence, it happens
through taking action. Take back the power and stop letting the bullies of
the world win.
At the end of the day if you don't like what I have
to say unfollow me.
Respect, compassion, equality and individuality are what I live by.
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