Saturday, 22 September 2012


It is a sad world we live in if someone considers being asked nicely to consider the feelings of others bullying. It should not be an imposition on anyone to be respectful. It doesn't take long to put yourself in someone else's shoes before saying something you can't take back or posting something without thought to how others will feel.

Freedom of speech never has and never will be the right to say whatever you want, to whomever you want, whenever you want and damn the consequences. It’s a right to information. Nobody is saying you aren’t entitled to an opinion; but why is it so cumbersome and why do people act like they are being victimised when asked to consider people’s feelings other than their own. We live in a community, be that our immediate one or the global one of the Internet.

Everyone is entitled to an informed opinion, but nobody is entitled to hurt others. Everybody’s opinion is important to them but nobody’s opinion is more important than someone else’s on a global scale so why is it that difficult for some people to be considerate of other’s feelings. It is not hypocritical to suggest that everyone's opinion is important. Some people don’t seem to realise how much words can hurt. How being bullied leaves scars that no matter how much you try to deny them are there and live with you every day of your life. That they affect decisions you make, who you choose to trust and what you choose to share with people. Life isn’t high school; we all did that stint, so why do some people continue to make us feel like we are reliving that experience all over again.

Everyone has the right to feel safe and respected. Respect has always been extremely important to me. I would never intentionally make someone feel the way I’ve been made to feel at various times in my life, and if I ever do it’s completely unintentional and I’m deeply sorry. However I will not be treated like crap for standing up for the right to be treated with the same respect that you yourself would wish from those around you. Attacking my character is uncalled for and threatening to unfollow me is unnecessary. If you don't like my polite requests for equal consideration maybe you should consider why you don't like them instead of attacking me. Maybe you just don't like the reflection you are seeing in my words. Either way don't take it out on me, or put words into my mouth; I'm not looking for a fight. I'm not interested in arguing; all I'm interested in is people treating others the way they would wish to be treated. And I for one wish to be treated with respect.

I take the time to respect your right to your opinion. If respecting someone’s opinion means not doing or saying something around them than I am happy to do that because I can’t conscionably ask the same in return if I am not willing to do so myself. Is it really too much that I ask the same in return? 

FYI I believe this regardless of the topic in question. For example I don't drink but would not tell someone else they can't. I don't like spoilers for certain shows, but even if I did I would remind people to tag for those who don't. I believe within the bounds of the law everyone is entitled to live their lives their way and that nobody has the right to say otherwise. I believe everyone should be born to the same base rights regardless of gender, race, sexuality, religion or political leanings. I always try to consider others before I act. There are many topics that if they are broached with me online I will take to a private conversation because I don't want to offend others reading it. Some people may see this as over the top or unrealistic but this is how I choose to live my life. I'm not however asking or expecting others to live by my rules; just to show basic common courtesy. We do after all have to share this planet.

***Star Trek Voyager: Message in a Bottle***
Seven: State your reasons for making these modifications.
B’Elanna: “State your reasons, please." lt's not what you say, Seven. lt's how you say it.
Seven: l don't understand.
B’Elanna: You may have noticed that some of the crew seem a bit...on edge when you're around.
Seven: l was Borg. l elicit apprehension.
B’Elanna: No, that's not what l mean. We're not afraid that you're going to assimilate us. We're just not used to... You just... You're rude.
Seven: l am rude.
B’Elanna: Yes. Yes. You order people around; you do things without permission; and whether you realise it or not, you come off as a little insulting. You don't even say "please" or "thank you." Look, l don't expect you to change overnight, but try to remember that we are not just a bunch of drones.
Seven: Your attempt to recalibrate the interface is ill- advised. The risk of disrupting our link is too great.
B’Elanna: ln your opinion. That is exactly what l'm talking about. You haven't even been listening to me.
l don't know why l try to talk to you if you don't even...

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Tagging Spoilers

Member of the Castle spoiler free club!

I have long ago lost count of how many times I have politely asked people in the Castle fandom to tag spoilers on twitter. It is not that difficult to type #spoiler at the start of each tweet about an episode that hasn’t been released yet. As for Facebook have people considered creating a group or page where people can discuss spoilers and post pictures so that they don't end up on everyone's timelines through personal posts. 

The Internet forms a community and like any community there are people with varying opinions. Not everyone likes spoilers, so please be considerate and respectful and tag anything relating to an unaired episode. Also please don't use spoilery pictures as your display pictures.

I did my stint in high school and I don’t like being made to feel like I am back there because people can’t think beyond their own concerns. I am tired of being ostracised from using my social networking accounts because I’m worried of being spoiled. I have just as much right to be online as the rest of you. Excitement is not an excuse. I’m excited and yet I still tag my posts (with something distinguishing) when I watch the episodes because I know not everyone can see them at the same time as me. When you claim that excitement is an excuse not only are you ostracising the spoiler free by not tagging spoilers you are now also insinuating that we are not as excited because we don’t like them. Those who enjoy spoilers do not have more right to be online than those who don’t. And it doesn’t make you a better fan because you want to know every little detail you can get your hands on. We are all fans regardless of our feelings about spoilers. It takes less than ten seconds to type #spoiler and it only uses up eight characters. Quit being inconsiderate and acting like you are more important than the rest of us. I’m sick of being made to feel like I’m a second class citizen in this fandom.  

Saturday, 8 September 2012


How can someone compare the most violent and personal of violations to changing a tyre!

Women are not just afterthoughts to be dealt with like a menial chore. Our safety and rights are not something to be set aside like a contingency for a rainy day. Rape is a serious issue and yet some of these American politicians act as though its victims are a burden to society. They come across as unsympathetic and totally lacking in any compassion; like they’ve never met a women in their lives. They act as though rape is something that just happens and should be dealt with. But women are not second class citizens and rape is not some nothing issue to be swept under the rug. The victims are not the ones who should be made to feel like they did something wrong and women should certainly not have put money aside in case of rape.

It’s deplorable the comments concerning rape and women that are coming out of certain American politicians at the moment. The fact that even one person thinks like this is disgusting. The fact that people make the choice to leave their house and voluntarily vote for these people, because yes voting is a choice in the State, not mandatory like in Australia, is downright scary.

For those who haven’t noticed we live in the 21st century, not the dark ages. Women are not second class citizens and our bodies are not your property to decide the fate of. Stop vindicating these monsters and start protecting the victims. Stop treating women as though they caused the issue and start dealing with those who actually do. Get out of your old fashioned headspace and realise that women have just as much right as men to be safe, productive members of society. This is not a man’s world and women are just living in it. This is everyone’s world and it’s high time everyone realised this.